Oliver Tims
Civil Funeral Celebrant in Surrey
Would you find it reassuring to plan your own funeral? Would you like to relieve your family of the worry of putting a ceremony together, and ensure that everything really will be as you would wish? If so, I would be pleased to plan and prepare a ceremony for you.
I can develop a personal and professional script that reflects your beliefs and desires. This will include your choices of music and readings, and your tribute. I can also help you plan other details if you would find that helpful.
Once written, the ceremony script can be kept with your papers for use when it is needed. While I cannot guarantee to be able to perform your ceremony for you, the script will be formatted so that it can be used by another Celebrant, a family member, or a friend.
The process includes a planning meeting, the production of a draft ceremony, discussions to finalise the text, and the production of a finished script for you to lodge with your Will. Thereafter, I should be happy to meet you annually to adapt and update the script as necessary.